
About JANBOPAI Museum

 日本ボディーペインティング美術館(JANBOPAI Museum)はBPマスターの個人美術館です。

 Japan Body Painting Museum (JANBOPAI Museum) is a private museum built by BP-Master.

 当美術館は オリジナル作品館ボディーペインティング談話室ボディーペインティング資料館 の3エリアで成り立っています。

 JANBOPAI museum consists of three areas, Original Work Area, Tearoom Area and Library Area.


Introduction of JANBOPAI Museum

Original Work Area

Tearoom Area

Library Area

Site Map

Visitors to the Tearoom
since Dec. 30th, 2017

 Portal of Tearoom Area 

Pages with are written in English.

Corner of the Works by Friends
Room of "Gosuto"
Room of "aki"
Room of "Mangetsuhime"
Room of "ELENA-chan"
Corner to Introduce Friend Sites  
Symbol Marks and Banner  

Articles Introducing JANBOPAI Museum   FLASH EXCITING (January 31st, 2005)
Uramono JAPAN (March, 2005)
Namaiki ! (September, 2006) There is a good wave
THE BEST MAGAZINE Special (October, 2006)
Namaiki ! (November, 2006) Toku-Nou Hotline
Tokusen Misojiduma (December, 2006)
Tokusatsukaientai (January 2nd, 2007)
Gekisatsu Hontouni-atta-ecchina-hanashi (January, 2007)
Mikosurihan Gekijo (January 11th, 2007)
Hitoduma Hontouni-atta-ecchina-hanashi (February 1st, 2007)
Esukareito-suru Do-shiroto Musume-tachi (Sanwa Mook)
Geino Smash ! Vol. 4
Uramono JAPAN (January, 2009, Separate Volume)
Knuckles (August, 2009)
Ping (November, 2009)

Web Pages Introducing JANBOPAI Museum
Written in Japanese
  Gekihyo Column (July 27th, 2005)
New Akiba.com (November 29th, 2005) Today's Repeaters' Site !
BLOGBUSTER (February 7th, 2006) Today's Homepage
Douga File Navigator (June 12th, 2006)
Gazou Chennel (July 13th-24th, 2006)
ma-to-me.com (August 24th, 2006)
Tohsatsu NOZOKIX (August 28th, 2006)
FullerHouse Blog (September 21st, 2006)
New Akiba.com (October 12th, 2006)
SHABUICHIinDEEP (October 12th, 2006)
ZAEEGA (October 13th, 2006)
Emu Kaigi (October 14th, 2006)
Masao's Koremite-Ganbatte (October 15th, 2006)
vanilla-zeros (October 17th, 2006)
pya ! (November 23rd, 2006)
Soft Blog by Janba (March 14th, 2007)

Web Pages Introducing JANBOPAI Museum
Written in Foreign Languages
  El Blog Rarito (March 2nd, 2006, Spanish)
Sensible Erection (October 14th, 2006, English)
Indie Nudes (English)
FLESHBOT (October 23rd, 2006, English)
Body paint (October 23rd, 2006, English)
The US News (October 23rd, 2006, English)
DelightfulFantasy.com (October 23rd, 2006, English)
BlueAphrodite.com (October 23rd, 2006, English)
YANKME ! (October 25th, 2006, English)
Sex in Art (November 3rd, 2006, English)
High On Sex (November 4th, 2006, English)
sexe.fluctuat.net (November 5th, 2006, French)
Asianidols.net (November 5th, 2006, English)
CU-CU (November 16th, 2006, Portuguese)
Nude Art Video From Theo (December 2nd, 2006, French)
UNSCATHED CORPSE (December 5th, 2006, English)
Bibi's box (January 9th, 2007, English)
zorland.com (January 9th, 2007, Chinese)
Asia Pundit (January 11th, 2007, English)
tallnleggylady (January 17th, 2007, English)
myFeedz (English)
I Dream of PORN (February 10th, 2007, English)
Reaction in Pro-Japanese Country, Thailand
  (October 30th, 2014, Thai ⇒ Japanese)

Problems of "JANBOPAI Certificate"   Answers of "JANBOPAI Certificate" Problems
Visitors' Voting to "The Best Works" In 2008 (With BP-master's Choice)
In 2009 (With BP-master's Choice)
In 2010
In 2012

Monolog by BP-Master   Locations of JANBOPAI Museum opuses
History of JANBOPAI Museum
Lecture for Body Painting by BP-Master
This is the real "Pody Painting", isn't it?

Models' Rooms   Room of BP-Queen-san
  Room of BP-Layer-san
  Room of Kaedehime-san
  Room of Mami-chan
Room of Sala-san
Room of Miki-chan

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