
About JANBOPAI Museum

 日本ボディーペインティング美術館(JANBOPAI Museum)はBPマスターの個人美術館です。

 Japan Body Painting Museum (JANBOPAI Museum) is a private museum built by BP-Master.

 当美術館は オリジナル作品館ボディーペインティング談話室ボディーペインティング資料館 の3エリアで成り立っています。

 JANBOPAI museum consists of three areas, Original Work Area, Tearoom Area and Library Area.


Introduction of JANBOPAI Museum

Original Work Area

Tearoom Area

Library Area

Site Map

 Site Map 

Pages with are written in English.

 Top Page

━ Introduction of JANBOPAI Museum

  Portal of Original Work Area
┣ List of Original Works

┣ Portrait Gallery

┳ List of Original Works (Index by Serial Numbers)
┣ List of Original Works (Index by Drawn Years)
┣ List of Original Works (Index by Models)
┣ List of Original Works (Index by Categories)
┗ List of Original Works (Index by Work Titles)
┳ Portrait Gallery (Index by Serial Numbers, Left-headed)
┣ Portrait Gallery (Index by Serial Numbers, Upright)
┣ Portrait Gallery (Index by Serial Numbers, Right-headed)
┣ Portrait Gallery (Index by Models, Left-headed)
┣ Portrait Gallery (Index by Models, Upright)
┣ Portrait Gallery (Index by Models, Right-headed)
┣ Portrait Gallery (Index by Categories, Left-headed)
┣ Portrait Gallery (Index by Categories, Upright)
┗ Portrait Gallery (Index by Categories, Right-headed)
┣ Wallpaper Collection
┣ Wide Wallpaper Collection
┣ Close-up Photo Collection
┣ Video Collection
┣ Grand Tour for Original Work Area
┣ Best Photo Album
┣ Model List of JANBOPAI Museum
┣ Works drawn in or after
┃ 2017
┳ Christmas Tree (1), Op. 108-A
┣ Christmas Tree (2), Op. 108-B
┗ Unexpected Summer Bonus, Op. 107
┣ Works drawn in 2012
┳ AKB106, Op. 106
┗ AKB105, Op. 105
┣ Works drawn in 2011

┳ Fantastic Moments, Op. 104
┣ Lost Piece, Op. 103
┣ One-Oh(Wow), Too Sexy Woman, Op. 102
┣ One-Oh(Wow), One-derful Colors, Op. 101
┣ Sunflower in the Last Summer, Op. 100
┣ AKB99, Op. 99
┣ AKB98, Op. 98
┣ AKB97, Op. 97
┣ Tail of Tiger, Op. 96
┣ String Flower Bikini, Again, Op. 95
┣ Luncheon on the Grass, Op. 94
┣ Natsu-wa Kinu, Op. 93
┣ Pray for East Japan, Op. 92
┗ Let's Support East Japan!, Op. 91
┣ Works drawn in 2010

┳ Special Thanks to Everyone, Op. 90
┣ What Ties You?, Op. 89
┣ Closing Campaign Started, Op. 88
┣ Pile of Efforts, Op. 87
┣ White Bikini with Hibiscus, Op. 86
┣ Black Ladder, Op. 85
┣ What is the Most Important, Op. 84
┣ Hopes beyond the Fog, Op. 83
┣ Nimbly like a Leopardess, Op. 82
┣ "Check" by Ourselves, Op. 81
┣ Connecting Hearts, Op. 80
┣ Dreaming of Wonderful World, Op. 79
┗ Teardrop with Black Lace, Op. 78
┣ Works drawn in 2009

┳ Year of Tiger, Op. 77
┣ Santa Cross, Op. 76
┣ Snow in the Dark, Op. 75
┣ Sexy Front Girl, Op. 74
┣ Black Belts with Nipple Piercing, Op. 73
┣ Southern Island, Op. 72
┣ Micro Polka Dots, Op. 71
┣ Micro Black Cyclone, Op. 70
┣ Cutie Bunny, Op. 69
┣ Dual Polka Dots, Op. 68-A & B
┣ Rainy Summer, Op. 67
┣ Leopardess with Low-rise Jeans, Op. 66
┣ "Lum-chan" of "UruseiYatsura", Op. 65
┣ Black Cyclone, Op. 64
┣ Legend of Rhythmic Gymnastics, Op. 63
┣ Miss Strawberry, Op. 62
┣ Hibiscus Bikini, Op. 61
┣ Blue Umbrella for a Blue Lady, Op. 60
┣ Sexy Athlete on the Beach, Op. 59
┣ Cute Stripe Brassiere and Panty, Op. 58
┣ School Gym Suit, Op. 57
┗ Psychedelic V-Waves, Op. 56
┣ Works drawn in 2008

┳ Saint Claus with Sexy Lingerie, Op. 55
┣ Sexy Saint Claus, Op. 54
┣ Cute Stripe Bikini, Op. 53
┣ P & P (Purple and Pink), Op. 52
┣ Sexy Athlete in Beijing, Op. 51
┣ Sexy Bride with Rope, Op. 50
┣ Sexy Tirolean Girl, Op. 49
┣ Camouflage Pants, Op. 48
┣ Sexy Bride in the Town, Op. 47
┣ Sexy Baribarry Check, Op. 46
┣ Sexy Bride on the Beach, Op. 45
┣ Sexy American Cheerleader, Op. 44
┣ Extremely Sexy American Bikini, Op. 43
┣ Sexy Bride with an Apron, Op. 42
┣ Check de Walk, Op. 41
┣ Sexy Venus with Shells, Op. 40
┗ Sexy Present for St. Valentine's Day, Op. 39
┣ Works drawn in 2007

┳ Sans toi, Mami !, Op. 38
┣ Saint Claus in Midsummer, Op. 37
┣ Psychedelic Waves, Op. 36
┣ Elder Sister's School Swimsuit, Op. 35
┣ Sexy Mechanic, Op. 34
┣ Tiny Flowers with Pink Petals, Op. 33
┣ Janbopai-Brand Race Swimsuit, Op. 32
┣ Baribarry Check, Op. 31
┣ Summer Uniform for School Girls, Op. 30
┣ White Cyclone, Op. 29
┗ P & G (Purple and Garter), Op. 28
┣ Works drawn in 2006

┳ Autumn Festival, Op. 27
┣ Lady Tarzan and Miss Jane, Op. 26-A & B
┣ Sicilian Blue Wave and Hot Heart, Op. 25-A & B
┗ German W-Cup, Op. 24-A & B
┣ Works drawn in 2005

┳ New Year Marathon, Op. 23
┣ Pretty Saint Claus, Op. 22
┣ Check de Practice, Op. 21, by cooperation with Masaya-san
┣ Suspended Bridge, Op. 20
┣ White Flower Fairy, Op. 19
┣ Triple OK, Op. 18
┣ Spider Woman, Op. 17
┣ Twin Gradation, Op. 16-A & B
┣ Sunflower Girl, Op. 15
┣ "Maia" of "Daphne", Op. 14
┣ Bikini de Check, Op. 13
┣ Pink Pants-er, Op. 12
┣ Black Bean in the Net, Op. 11
┗ Union JacQueen, Op. 10
┣ Works drawn in 2004

┳ Princess Morning Glory, Op. 9
┣ Uncontrollable Animal in the Lattice, Op. 8
┗ Flower Garden by the Seashore, Op. 7
┣ Works drawn in 2003

┳ Watermelon Harvested in Kumamoto Pref., Op. 6
┣ Black Tank Top and Blue Jeans, Op. 5
┣ Zebra in Black and Silver, Op. 4
┣ Leopardess on the Beach and in the Town, Op. 3
┗ Red Stars in the Blue Sky, Op. 2
┗ Work drawn in 1998 ━ Tiny Flowers with Pink Cores, Op. 1 

Portal of Tearoom Area
┣ Corner of the Works
┃ by Friends

┳ Room of "Gosuto"
┣ Room of "aki"
┣ Room of "Mangetsuhime"
┣ Room of "ELENA-chan"
┗ Room of "Lemon-chan"
┣ Corner to Introduce Friend Sites
┣ Symbol Marks and Banner
┣ Articles Introducing

┳ FLASH EXCITING (Jan. 31st, 2005)
┣ Uramono JAPAN (Mar., 2005)
┣ Namaiki ! (Sep., 2006) There is a good wave
┣ THE BEST MAGAZINE Special (Oct., 2006)
┣ Namaiki ! (Nov., 2006) Toku-Nou Hotline
┣ Tokusen Misojiduma (Dec., 2006)
┣ Tokusatsukaientai (Jan. 2nd, 2007)
┣ Gekisatsu Hontouni-atta-ecchina-hanashi (Jan., 2007)
┣ Mikosurihan Gekijo (Jan. 11th, 2007)
┣ Hitoduma Hontouni-atta-ecchina-hanashi (Feb. 1st, 2007)
┣ Esukareoto-suru Do-shiroto Musume-tachi (Sanwa Mook)
┣ Geinou Smash ! Vol. 4
┣ Uramono JAPAN (Jan., 2009, Separate Volume)
┣ Knuckles EX (Aug., 2009)
┗ Ping (Nov., 2009)
┣ Web Pages Introducing
┃ Written in Japanese

┳ Gekihyo Column (July 27th, 2005)
┣ New Akiba.com (Nov. 29th, 2005) Today's Repeaters' Site !
┣ BLOGBUSTER (Feb. 7th, 2006) Today's Homepage
┣ Douga File Navigator (June 12th, 2006)
┣ Gazou Chennel (July 13th-24th, 2006)
┣ ma-to-me.com (Aug. 24th, 2006)
┣ Tohsatsu NOZOKIX (Aug. 28th, 2006)
┣ FullerHouse Blog (Sep. 21st, 2006)
┣ New Akiba.com (Oct. 12th, 2006)
┣ SHABUICHIinDEEP (Oct. 12th, 2006)
┣ ZAEEGA (Oct. 13th, 2006)
┣ Emu Kaigi (Oct. 14th, 2006)
┣ Masao's Koremite-Ganbatte (Oct. 15th, 2006)
┣ vanilla-zeros (Oct. 17th, 2006)
┣ pya ! (Nov. 23rd, 2006)
┗ Soft Blog by Janba (Mar. 14th, 2007)
┣ Web Pages Introducing
┃ Written in Foreign
┃ Languages

┳ El Blog Rarito (Mar. 2nd, 2006, Spanish)
┣ Sensible Erection (Oct. 14th, 2006, English)
┣ Indie Nudes (English)
┣ FLESHBOT (Oct. 23rd, 2006, English)
┣ Body paint (Oct. 23rd, 2006, English)
┣ The US News (Oct. 23rd, 2006, English)
┣ DelightfulFantasy.com (Oct. 23rd, 2006, English)
┣ BlueAphrodite.com (Oct. 23rd, 2006, English)
┣ YANKME ! (Oct. 25th, 2006, English)
┣ Sex in Art (Nov. 3rd, 2006, English)
┣ High On Sex (Nov. 4th, 2006, English)
┣ sexe.fluctuat.net (Nov. 5th, 2006, French)
┣ Asianidols.net (Nov. 5th, 2006, English)
┣ CU-CU (Nov. 16th, 2006, Portuguese)
┣ Nude Art Video From Theo (Dec. 2nd, 2006, French)
┣ UNSCATHED CORPSE (Dec. 5th, 2006, English)
┣ Bibi's box (Jan. 9th, 2007, English)
┣ zorland.com (Jan. 9th, 2007, Chinese)
┣ Asia Pundit (Jan. 11th, 2007, English)
┣ tallnleggylady (Jan. 17th, 2007, English)
┣ myFeedz (English)
┣ I Dream of PORN (Feb. 10th, 2007, English)

┗ Reaction in Pro-Japanese Country, Thailand
   (October 30th, 2014, Thai ⇒ Japanese)
┣ Problems of
┃ "JANBOPAI Certificate"

━ Answers of "JANBOPAI Certificate" Problems
┣ Visitors' Voting
┃ to "The Best Works"

┳ In 2008 (With BP-master's Choice)
┣ In 2009 (With BP-master's Choice)
┣ In 2010
┗ In 2012
┣ Monolog by BP-Master ━ History of JANBOPAI Museum
┣ Lecture for Body Painting by BP-Master
┣ This is the real "Pody Painting", isn't it?
┗ Models' Rooms ┳ Room of BP-Queen-san
┣ Room of BP-Layer-san
┣ Room of Kaedehime-san
┣ Room of Mami-chan
┣ Room of Sala-san
┗ Room of Miki-chan

  Portal of Library Area
┣ Corner of Body Painting Philosophy
┣ Corner of Body Painting Skill
┣ Corner of Body Painting
┃ of Foreign Countries

┳ World Bodypainting Festival
┣ Body Painting Works by Veruschka
┣ Body Painting Works by Craig Tracy
┣ Body Painting Works by Mark Greenawalt
┣ Body Painting Works by Emma Hack
┣ Body Painting Works by Filippo Ioco
┣ Body Painting Works by Peter West
┣ Body Painting Works by Hikaru Cho
┣ Body Painting Works of BP London
┣ Web Site "BODY ART"
┣ Sports Illustrated
┣ Body Painting Calendar by Australian Ladies' Football Team
┣ Anck-su-namun in "Hamunaptra 2"
┣ Ariel in "The Little Mermaid"
┣ ALS Scan
┣ Pintura Corporal (e.g. Corporal Picture)
┣ Key West Fantasy Fest
┣ Michele in Key West Fantasy Fest
┣ Full Body Painting in Key West Fantasy Fest
┣ Body Painting Cycle Parade in Fremont Solstice Fair
┗ Carnival in Rio de Janeiro
┣ Corner of Body Painting
┃ in Japanese Magazines

┳ Seifuku Club (May, 1991)
┣ Netsuretsu Joshikousei (July, 1994)
┣ Nyan2 Club (Oct., 1995)
┣ Dela-Beppin (Mar., 1997)
┣ Dela-Beppin (May, 1997)
┣ Dela-Beppin (Jujy, 1997)
┣ Dela-Beppin Tokunou 4.4 (Jan., 1998, Special Issue)
┣ Dela-Beppin (May, 1998)
┣ Dela-Beppin (July, 1998)
┣ Nyan2 Club (Nov., 1998) /
┃  Nyan2 Club Live Windows (Jan., 1999)
┣ Dela-Beppin (May, 1999)
┣ Night Walker (June, 1999)
┣ Nessha Boy (Dec., 2000) / Yagai Roshutsu Play 6
┣ Nessha Boy (Mar., 2001)
┣ Monthly Geinou Nippon (Oct., 2004)
┣ Hanappe Bazooka (Dec. 30th, 2004)
┣ Body Painting with Koe in Stockholm
┗ FLASH (Nov. 25th, 2008)
┣ Corner of Body Painting
┃ in Japanese Video
┃ Tapes and Discs

┳ Super Lingerie Vol.4
┣ Super Lingerie Vol.11
┣ Lingerie Collection Vol.5
┣ Zenra Roshutsu Vol.1
┣ Last Exposure
┣ Sei-Roshutsu"
┣ Sei-Roshutsu Vol.2
┣ Sei-Roshutsu Vol.3
┣ Sei-Roshutsu Vol.5
┣ Sei-Roshutsu Vol.6A/6B
┣ Sei-Roshutsu Vol.7A/7B
┣ Chijoku, Ryoujoku and Choukyou Vol.4
┣ The Animal Print
┣ Cos-Play Kyonyu Idol Ms. Nao Oikawa
┣ Hanshin Roshutsu
┣ Challenge by Koe-chan! Hentai Land
┣ Roshutsu Baka Ichidai Vol.10
┣ Roshutsu Laboratory Vol.1
┣ Roshutsu Laboratory Vol.2
┣ Koushu Body Paint
┗ Body Painting Roshutsu
┗ Corner of Body Painting
   in Advertisements
┳ TV commercial message from Air New Zealand
┣ TV commercial message from Nissin Food Products
┗ Wacoal 2014 Calendar

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